This is Chapter 7 of a much more comprehensive post Project Management Guide: Starting Out. Depending on your situation (starting a project management career, switching or promoting) you may have various methods of accomplishing your objectives. Starting your project management career. If you are just starting up your career you might find these steps suitable: Find a suitable…
Category: Project Management guides
Do It! 4 Easy Steps To Start Your Project Management Career Today
Chapter 6 of a much more comprehensive post Project Management Guide: Starting Out. I love this question, and I will make a series on it in the near future but until then lets focus on how how to start your management career. There are a lot of confusion when it comes to starting out. What I…
How to learn project management?
Chapter 5 of a much more comprehensive post Project Management Guide: Starting Out. Let’s get right in! How do you learn project management? Well there are several different ways you can go about it, on your own, through a degree/course or a professional certification. Statistics show that each way you go about achieving that is not extremely…
Decision time, yes or no, to learn project management?
This is Chapter 4 of a much more comprehensive post Project Management Guide: Starting Out. Let’s get right in and discover how you can learn project management. Learn Project Management. Yes or No? This post will help you make up your mind about project management. Read on to find out what is expected from a project…
What is project management?
This is Chapter 3 of a much more comprehensive post Project Management Guide: Starting Out. Let’s dig right in! Project Management Overview Simply put, project management is the process and activity of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals and objectives. In other words, it is the science of organizing…
Project Management as a Career
Chapter 2 of a much more comprehensive post Project Management Guide: Starting Out. If you want a project management career or you are trying to find some more information about it, read on. Project management requires certain skills, and it could be a great career path for you if you want to: Want the choice to…
Why Project Management?
Why project management? This might very well be the most important question of all, when you are at the start of your career. Lets then try to answer it together. Also before we start I have to remind you that more information is available here Project Management Guide: Starting Out. Why project management? – the…
Project Management Guide: Starting Out
What made me do this you might ask? Well here is the main idea behind this project management guide: There are projected to be 15 million new project management jobs within the decade. (Source: Project Management Institute) Over the last decade project management has established itself as being one of the core professions inside an…
90 Questions You Should Ask When Brainstorming Project Ideas
All of us have started a project at some point in our life and struggled with it in some way. No matter what kind of project it was, questions had to asked and answered, followed by execution. Once I asked all my questions and made the decision to go ahead with the project, I always…
Building Trust the Key to Exercising Influence
We all know people who have influence but whom we do not trust; these individuals are often referred to as “political animals” or “jungle fighters.” While these individuals are often very successful in the short run, the prevalent sense of mistrust prohibits long-term efficacy and hinders them from building trust. Successful project managers not only…