21 Interesting Project Management Tools 2016

project management tools

Thanks to some outstanding project management tools out there handling your project has never been easier. Whether you are nibbling away at a personal project by yourself, managing a small project team or working on a full portfolio, you now have access to a wide range of products and services that will cater to your…

Risk Management Framework: Risk Response Development

risk response

When a risk event is identified and assessed, a decision must be made concerning which response is appropriate for the specific event.This will be the third process inside an effective risk management framework and you need to take notice if it’s importance and impact on the project. Responses to risk can be classified as mitigating,…

Categorized as Trends

Outsourcing Project Work: Why, How, When?


…being a good partner has become a key corporate asset. I call it a company’s collaborative advantage. In the global economy, a well developed ability to create and sustain fruitful collaborations gives companies a significant competitive leg up.—Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School professor It is rare in today’s flat world to find important projects…

Agile Methodologies, here to stay.

agile methodologies

Agile methodologies are becoming a trend in project management and software development. In 2007 a survey between 2250 companies showed that 25% of them were using agile methods. Scrum was confirmed to be the most popular agile methodology. A more recent survey on almost 500 companies showed that 40% of them were using Scrum. Demand…

Project Management Trends for 2015

project management trends

The project management industry is evolving at a faster rate each year, both in technologies and methodologies. The environment continues to influence how organizations manage projects. Here are some project management trends for 2015 to help you prepare for what’s ahead. Project Management Trends 1.Less Waterfall, more Agile 2015 will bring even more Agile practices…

90 Questions You Should Ask When Brainstorming Project Ideas

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” ― Voltaire

All of us have started a project at some point in our life and struggled with it in some way. No matter what kind of project it was, questions had to asked and answered, followed by execution. Once I asked all my questions and made the decision to go ahead with the project, I always…