The Simplest Task Management Technique Available

task management technique

Have you ever come home from the office with the feeling that you didn’t accomplish any of the things you wanted to get done that day? We all have days like that, spent entirely in putting out brushfires. Sometimes it can’t be helped, but if it’s happening to you regularly, part of the problem may…

Task Management

task management

There is one modification you might make in your task management system that may make it even more useful. You know your own body better than anyone else. If you’re at the peak of your energy levels early in the day, you should do the tasks that require high energy the first thing each day.…

The Tyranny of the Immediate

tyranny of the immediate

One of the biggest challenges to being efficient and productive is interruptions. Some interruptions are legitimate and need to be addressed right away. This requires the artful re-prioritizing mentioned in a previous article. Most interruptions are just that, interruptions, and do not need to be addressed immediately if at all. Technology has presented us with…

Time Management Tips

time management tips

Lets get right to it. Here are some time management tips recommended by managers from a variety of fields. You may find them helpful as well: Recognize that we all have the same amount of time—168 hours per week. No one has more time than you do. What you do with this time makes the…